Enabling large scale manufacturing of Solid-state batteries
Lithium-ion battery cells with conventional active materials are reaching their limits in terms of energy densities and suffer from safety issues that become even more critical in the future. Solid-state batteries can solve these issues, but they are not yet manufactured on a large scale. To enable large scale manufacturing of Solid-state batteries, project PULSELiON sets out new pulsed laser deposition based technologies for solid-state battery manufacturing.
View our concept video to learn more about project PULSELiON
PULSELiON project facts and figures
48 months
Started 1-9-2022
EU contribution
€ 6 998 543
from 10 countries
Latest News
RISE and ABEE specialists interview video
We have recently interviewed the project coordinator Anwar Ahniyaz (RISE) and specialist Andy Schena (ABEE). They are telling you more about our great project PULSELiON and the technologies behind. Also you will get to see the research and development facilities of ABEE in Belgium. In the project, ABEE is focussing on small and large scale…
Artur Tron will present PULSELiON at the Solid State Ionics 24
Artur Tron of AIT will present results of project PULSELiON at the Solid State Ionics 24. The title of his presentation will be “Round-robin test of sulfide-based solid-state battery assembly in coin-type cell configuration”, based on the presentation of the main results of PULSELiONs 6th open access publication. The 24th International Conference On Solid State…
Yet a next OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATION from project PULSELiON! The journal article “Round-robin test of all-solid-state battery with sulfide electrolyte assembly in coin-type cell configuration” has been published in the Electrochemical Science Advances Journal on 29 March 2024. The work presents a coin cell preparation protocol for solid-state batteries with Sulfide-based electrolytes. This method has…