Artur Tron will present PULSELiON at the Solid State Ionics 24

Artur Tron of AIT will present results of project PULSELiON at the Solid State Ionics 24. The title of his presentation will be “Round-robin test of sulfide-based solid-state battery assembly in coin-type cell configuration”, based on the presentation of the main results of PULSELiONs 6th open access publication. The 24th International Conference On Solid State […]


Yet a next OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATION from project PULSELiON! The journal article “Round-robin test of all-solid-state battery with sulfide electrolyte assembly in coin-type cell configuration” has been published in the Electrochemical Science Advances Journal on 29 March 2024. The work presents a coin cell preparation protocol for solid-state batteries with Sulfide-based electrolytes. This method has […]


Today we continue the series of posts by around the new OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATIONS from project PULSELiON. We present the journal article “Time-Dependent Deep Learning Manufacturing Process Model for Battery Electrode Microstructure Prediction”, which has been published in Advanced Energy Materials (Wiley) on 5 March 2024. Physics-based manufacturing simulations can give physical insights to understand […]

Newsletter #03 – April 2024

Our third newsletter is published. In this newsletter, you will learn more about the project PULSELiON latest activities and the activities to come. Please download the newsletter here, or subscribe to our newsletter on our contact page The next newsletter will be published in September 2024. Do you want stay informed about the latest PULSELiON […]


Today we continue the series of posts by around the new OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATIONS from project PULSELiON. We present the journal article “Influence of the mixing speed in the rheology of NMC622-based Li-ion battery electrode slurries”, which has been published in volume 26 of the Journal of Power Sources Advances in April 2024. The work […]

MILESTONE 3 ACHIEVED! Stable Li thin metal film anode

The achievement of Milestone 3 – Stable Li thin metal film anode – has been worth demonstrating the success on manufacturing the Li thin metal anode by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) technique where 20 mm thick Li was deposited on top of Cu foil. Stripping-plating measurements of symmetric cells placing a sulfide solid electrolyte as […]

SOLID4B cluster workshop presentation by Franco Zanotto

Yesterday, The Solid4B Cluster workshop on Solid State Batteries took place. The theme was “Scaling up high energy density solid-state batteries: a lob-to-pilot line perspective”. Experts were diving deep into discussions about high-energy-density solid-state batteries, offering invaluable insights into the future of battery technology. Our specialist Franco Zanotto of LRCS presents “Digital twins for the […]


Today we start a series of posts around open ACCESS PUBLICATIONS from project PULSELiON! As much as 5 new publications have been published from PULSELiON over the last period We start the series by presenting the journal article “A perspective on the building blocks of a solid-state battery: from solid electrolytes to quantum power harvesting […]

4th General Assembly meeting and Month 18 review meeting

Yesterday was our official month 18 review meeting. Our work package leaders and key researchers gathered in Brussels together with the project officer of CINEA of the European Commission to discuss the progress in project PULSELiON. Last week, also our 4th General Assembly took place. Our specialists from 15 countries all over Europe gathered digitally […]