Today we start a series of posts around open ACCESS PUBLICATIONS from project PULSELiON! As much as 5 new publications have been published from PULSELiON over the last period

We start the series by presenting the journal article “A perspective on the building blocks of a solid-state battery: from solid electrolytes to quantum power harvesting and storage”, which has been published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A on 3 November 2023.

The work presents a comprehensive perspective on the fundamental components of a solid-state battery, starting from all-solid-state electrolytes and extending to quantum power harvesting and storage. First, the work delves into the key characteristics that define an effective electrolyte. It is confirmed that the most promising electrolytes are semiconductors with a low work function, displaying behavior akin to anodes. Moreover, electrolyte classes composed of multiple dominant elements S, O, and Cl, such as argyrodites and oxyhalide electrolytes, show more significant potential than those with only one dominant element, such as sulfide, oxide, and halide electrolytes. The work also explores ferroelectric-electrolyte-based devices capable of both energy harvesting and storage. Ferroelectric materials possess exceptional properties that hold the promise to revolutionize the next generation of electronic devices. Likewise, the work explores the realm of ferroelectric topological insulators (FETIs), which open up a new world of possibilities. Pioneering studies in this area are reported herein. Continuing the assessment, the work investigate the domain of the small and provides an overview of the principles behind quantum batteries. We explain the general quantum model and present three different types of quantum batteries: the Dicke model, the spin-chain model, and the quantum thermal machines, whose function mechanism is based on Maxwell’s demons (isothermal baths) and quantum refrigerators.

By presenting these insights, we hope to contribute to advancing solid-state batteries and quantum power harvesting and storage technologies that maintain coherence even at macrosizes, paving the way for more efficient and sustainable electronic devices.

We are proud of this achievement within project PULSELiON, thanks to the authors Beatriz Moura Gomes (UPorto), J. Francisco Ribeiro Moutinho (UPorto) and Maria Helena Braga (UPorto).

Please, feel free to download and read the work here!

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