4th General Assembly meeting and Month 18 review meeting

Yesterday was our official month 18 review meeting. Our work package leaders and key researchers gathered in Brussels together with the project officer of CINEA of the European Commission to discuss the progress in project PULSELiON. Last week, also our 4th General Assembly took place. Our specialists from 15 countries all over Europe gathered digitally […]


Project PULSELiON has achieved its SECOND OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATION! The journal article “Three Dimensional Physical Modeling of the Wet Manufacturing Process of Solid State Battery Electrodes” has been published in the Journal of Power Sources Volume 580 on 1 October 2023. The work presents a three-dimensional physics-based modeling workflow to study the impact of wet […]


We are very proud to officially launch our PULSELiON concept video. In this video, you will learn more about the technological concept behind project PULSELiON, and about the expected results and impact. Have fun watching!  


Project PULSELiON has achieved its FIRST OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATION! The journal article “Critical Current Density Measurements of Argyrodite Li6PS5Cl Solid Electrolyte at Ambient Pressure” has been published in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society on 20 October 2023. The work investigates the impact of the often-overlooked Critical Current Density (CCD) parameters and aims at establishing […]

3rd General Assembly meeting in Ninove – Belgium

Our 3rd General Assembly took place on 7 November. Kindly hosted by Avesta Battery & Energy Engineering (ABEE) in Ninove in Brussels. Our specialists 👨‍🔬 👩‍🔬 from 15 countries all over Europe gathered in Ninove to discuss the progress in project PULSELiON. We are on our way to push the borders 🔬 in solid-state battery manufacturing. […]

MILESTONE 10 ACHIEVED! Public Summary D7.2 SSB Recycling Process Flow Design

Project PULSELiON has achieved its third Milestone, with the delivery of deliverable D7.2. Deliverable 7.2 overviews the PULSELiON project’s initiative to create a novel recycling process for solid-state batteries. It defines the core conceptual recycling process flow for next generation solid-state cells developed in PULSELiON project. Download the Public Summary of deliverable D7.2: SSB Recycling […]

Newsletter #02 – October 2023

Our second newsletter is published. In this newsletter, you will learn more about the project PULSELiON latest activities and the activities to come. Please download the newsletter here, or subscribe to our newsletter on our contact page The next newsletter will be published in October 2023. Do you want stay informed about the latest PULSELiON […]

MILESTONE 2 achieved! Public Summary D2.1 Report on cell specifications and on testing protocols

Project PULSELiON has achieved its first Milestone on 30 August this year, with the delivery of deliverable D2.1. Deliverable 2.1 starts from battery cell specifications for different automotive applications and defines a tentative cell design. This cell design has been evaluated by performing a modelling exercise to predict the tentative battery cell performance associated. D2.1 […]